Primary Group of Builders' Synergy That Builds Strong and Reliable Homes
by Siilingan
Jan 13, 2022
A home is one of the most valuable things you can invest in. That is why PrimaryHomes plans ahead to ensure your future with them is as bright as the day you finally opened the door and took your first steps inside your dream home.
These claims are not built on empty promises. To ensure you of a lasting future, we carefully laid out our construction methodology in the Philippines with a philosophy inspired by reliability and sustainability through rain or shine. And we mean that literally.
Even after natural calamities like the recent Typhoon Odette that affected the Visayas and Northern Mindanao region during the latter end of December 2021, PrimaryHomes properties and projects remain strong. Ramero Espina, PrimaryHomes Vice President adds:
“Odette was a bitter blow which caused massive destruction to houses and major establishments in the Visayas. Fortunately for PrimaryHomes, there were only minor damages in our developments. [Other than that,] it’s also heartwarming that our agents and homeowners gave their positive feedbacks [on the properties] after the typhoon – showing appreciation to the developments’ quality. Truly Tatak Primary, Tatak Quality.”
If you want to know the construction methodology of how to build strong and sustainable properties and communities, then continue reading below and hear from the two Primary Structures Corporation CEOs Stephen Charles Liu and William Christopher Liu Jr. themselves.
Property development — The PrimaryHomes’ way
Our PrimaryHomes projects follow a concrete and solid plan to secure your investment in a home.
Below are the core philosophies behind PrimaryHome’s construction methodology:
- Well-thought-out development plan by construction experts
Richwood Homes Bohol after the Typhoon Odette
Royal Palms Tres after the Typhoon Odette
Unlike other construction companies that promise glitzy fantasies of their dream homes to their clients, how can you tell if your investments are crisis-proof? How can you be sure that despite heavy rains or natural calamities your home will have minimal deterioration?
PrimaryHomes is using up-to-date technology like LightStrong as primary materials in building a long-lasting home. The Philippines is the only country in ASEAN that still uses hollow blocks— everyone else uses bricks.
With LightStrong, not only do PrimaryHomes utilize sustainable materials, but they are also able to employ modern and leading technology and techniques to design houses that are designed to resist strong forces such as extreme wind, heavy rains, and even earthquakes.
Even the seemingly minor details are planned ahead by PrimaryHomes in building your dream home. Instead of using PVC pipes that easily break down, they use polypropylene poly resistant ones that are designed to last. No one in the trade attends to these minute but important details.
PrimaryGroup Chairman Wally Liu says that homes should be a sanctuary.
No one wants to go home after a long day from work only to find cracks starting to form on walls and leaks on the roof. “Your home is your cave; it’s your nest,” he adds.
Fastidiousness in selecting the best materials is indeed part of PrimaryHomes’ construction methodology making it the most reliable property you can purchase in the Visayas.
- Understanding the market’s needs
PrimaryHomes believes everyone should have a chance to achieve their dream home. They study different market demographics to understand what the people want in their dream homes, coupled with a thorough survey of the location’s common environmental experiences to create robust and reliable dream homes.
PrimaryHomes is also behind condos that would suit people who are looking forward to owning their personal living space and those who are considering whether condos are a good investment in the Philippines.
PrimaryHomes President Stephen Liu explains that putting themselves in the shoes of their clients is part of their construction methodology. He explains,
“It’s very important we study our market first before we get into the process of designing a house – [what] amenities to put there, what’s going to make them feel [at] home.”
Your voice should be heard, your vision materialized into reality, and your own safety prioritized. These homes are designed to suit your personality and lifestyle no matter who you are and who you want to be. Never mind refurbishments that only increase the cost of a home. Less is more when choosing a home.
As long as your personality shines and the future is safe and secured, everything will fall into place.
- Going beyond project development and delivery
PrimaryHomes aims to provide excellent property management services while still addressing the social aspect that makes a home that is “more than liveable.”
A dwelling space becomes liveable only if there is a strong sense of community. This aspect is helpful for everyday living, but this will especially shine during times of need like natural calamities such as typhoons.
Stephen Liu believes that this strong sense of community should be fostered among people who entrust them with their futures.
“Physical infrastructure [should] put emphasis on the property management to make sure that the development becomes a very cohesive community,” he explains. He believes that community-building should prioritize the social aspect when designing and constructing homes.
Just look at the different properties designed by PrimaryHomes. You can definitely feel the palpable sense of peace and camaraderie within the neighborhood. Emphasizing this value, Stephen Liu adds:
“Business shouldn’t be just focused on the stock exchange, but rather homes where people can reach out to each other and assisted living.”
- Impeccable project maintenance to avoid future hurdles
With its partners under the Primary Group of Builders (PGB) conglomerate, PrimaryHomes works with its affiliate companies specializing in every aspect of the whole real estate and construction process up until after the turnover and even extending to times of calamity.
From supplying raw and sustainable materials like LightStrong, sturdy and ever-reliable construction and architectural design from Primary Structures, down to the maintenance of your dream home and keeping peace within the community care of Primary Properties.
This is synergy and collaboration are truly unparalleled in the industry to promptly deliver and provide top-quality homes every single time.
Even going beyond construction, maintenance, and property management, PrimaryHomes and its partners in PGB are always ready to provide assistance whenever needed, especially during unforeseen natural events.
A case in point was the Typhoon ‘Odette,’ a storm ‘more destructive than Yolanda,’ with Ramero Espina emphasizing this unique trait saying:
“This synergy was a clear advantage evident during Typhoon Odette wherein all of PrimaryHomes’ partners in PGB assisted communities in whatever way they can like equipment and manpower to quickly remedy any damages made during the calamity.”
The support of all the companies with core competencies in the different fields of construction and property development ensures unmatched quality in everything PrimaryHomes does.
- Responsible development for a reliable home
You know a company will look out for you if it heavily invests in its advocacy to promote reliability, sustainability, and environmentalism.
PrimaryHomes carefully strategized their construction methodologies to minimize their carbon footprint.
Wally Liu for instance explains constructing a building or any kind of infrastructure involves 3Ds which means danger, dust, and difficulty. He explains that PrimaryHomes strategizes to minimize their dust emissions to heed the call against air pollution - a method applied when constructing the Tower B project in Mactan.
Besides this, materials such as the earlier mentioned LightStrong could help unit owners save 40% of their electricity bills because it maintains coolness despite the hot climate in the Philippines. This means that your unit could stay cool from morning to evening even without air conditioning set up at the highest level.
In fact, PrimaryHomes scored excellently in one of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) tests in responsible sustainable practice and development.
Synergized planning and teamwork for reliable dream homes
“With every PrimaryHomes [project] that we build and sell, is a commitment to the home buyer’s future and investment today for a better tomorrow,” says Wally Liu
This rigid and effective methodology would be nothing if it weren’t for the companies mistakes from which they learned. As both the two CEOs reassure:
“We have studied well, we have taken a lot of notes along the way, and we have distilled all the best practices [and] lessons we’ve [learned] into the products that we make. So buying a Primary Structures product gives the beneficiary the benefit of decades of mistakes [avoided].”
Indeed, methodologies and processes that place the homeowners, the community, and safety at its core, while constantly finding a way to synergize every aspect of the development – from considering materials down to planning for maintenance and natural calamities – yield a quality finished structure that ultimately delivers beyond the sales promise.
So what are you waiting for? Find your dream home with PrimaryHomes today!
To learn more, visit the Primary Group of Builders website: https://www.primary.com.ph/